Q: Why there is an
"[UNREGISTERED]" text across my printouts?
A: Because you are using trial version of CDLD. However, few users complained about it, saying that they cannot see printouts well. That's why this text is smaller and transparent in version 2.0.
Q: How can I register
CD Label Designer?
A: See How to Register page.
Q: When you will send
me registered version of CD Label Designer?
A: We are not sending you any special version of software. All you need to do is to wait for automatically generated e-mail with your registration information and enter it in Help/Registration dialog.
Q: When I register CD
Label Designer once, will my registration be valid for future versions?
A: Yes. If algorithm of calculation of registration key is changed, all customers will get new registration info by e-mail. Important: if you are registered customer and you did not received new registration info (because of changed e-mail address or some other reason), please feel free to contact us and we will send you new key.
Q: How can I be sure
that you will not abuse my credit card number?
A: We do not have you credit card number. All online registrations are handled by independent shareware ordering service ShareIt! (http://www.shareit.com) which works over secure connection.
Q: It passes xy hours
from my ordering, and I still haven't got any registration information.
A: As we described before, online orders are handled automatically by ShareIt!. It is possible that their servers are busy in the moment, thus they cannot process it immediately. If you don't get any e-mail 48 hours after order, please contact us.
Q: What is CDDB?
A: CDDB (CD DataBase) is free web service that collects large number of audio CD titles. It's supported by CD Label Designer – if you insert audio CD in your drive and start this option, application will connect to this database and retrieve album and songs titles, if they exist. If more than one match is found you will be able to choose right one.
Q: Why CD-Text isn't
A: CD-Text (album/songs titles are written on disk) format is protected by copyright, and developers who want to use it must buy a license. We are not planning to do it in near future.
Q: I have problems
with printing from you application, although printing from other applications
works fine.
A: Printing is not a problem anymore.
Q: How can I place
songs on disk label?
A: Place circled text on disk label and choose "Insert files/songs list" option from toolbar.
Q: What commercial
paper labels are supported by CD Label Designer?
A: Some directly, but all indirectly. Design you own print layout to place labels on any position you like and save it for later use.
Q: When do you plan
to support other label formats (i.e. mini disk, business card disk, DVD, etc.)?
A: We have that on our minds, but we are not planning to support them in near future.
Q: What is the use of
templates (CDT files) if there is no support for other formats?
A: They are not format templates – they are design templates (well, except full face label option). You can place some predefined texts (i.e. copyright), pictures (i.e. logo), define colors etc.
Q: I'm printing disk
label on commercial paper labels but it always come with ugly whiteness on the
edges. Why is that?
A: Go to Options/Print and select "Print over edge" instead of "Print exact edge".
Q: Will I ever again
be disappointed with killing my ink with black printouts?
A: No. Problem is finally located and solved. First at all, reason why that happened has been eliminated. And second, if it somehow, sometimes, somewhere happens again, error will be reported and printing will be canceled. Therefore, don't worry about that.
Q: What Max. printing
bitmap size is for?
A: While printing, we are preserving best quality of images and high resolution printers. That's why a lot of memory is used for printing – much more than some systems can allocate. In other hand, allocating of big part of memory can be much slower than allocating it in more slices. This value is maximum slice size. Click on Determine button to let CDLD to try to find optimum size for your system.